This is one of the first locations we see where the young girl is having the argument with her friend inside the house.
This is the street Tahlia walks up to get away from the chaos, we clearly see the street deserted in the film showing she's all alone so that later on it causes confusion.
We then move to this shot, where things begin to be noticeable that something isn't quite right as Tahlia turns after felling uneasy as she is on her own.
This is the park where we see her walk up and sit on a swing, we made a point of having the swings moving when she already got there to add to the eerie sense we were trying to create. We decided on a playground to show something normally seen as innocent and happy to be then seen as sinister which would add to the non-diegetic sound that compliments this scene. We see a black figure/shadow cross the screen as this point to heighten the tension. As we use a close up shot of Tahlia on the swing we zoom out to see a dark figure stood in front of her, at this point she gets up and runs away.
Both of these pictures are showing the small woodland area we used to show Tahlia running away from the figure, notice in the film sno one is following her showing how the figure may not be a person it maybe supernatural.
Once again this is the woodland area.
Finally this is where the film reaches its climax, Tahlia runs into here and falls dropping her phone in the process. we see her hand scrambling for the phone and trying to ring Eleanor who she had argued with at the beginning but there is not answer,(we use a cut away to show Eleanor hanging up), Tahlia try's once more only for Eleanor to answer and be left with no one at the other end. The phone is taken from Tahlia and that is the cliff hanger...
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