One page pitch ideas
Hello Everybody! As a group we were asked to produce a sheet with the information about what we were planning to do for our thriller. Media Don’t Walk Alone- Beth, Grace, Eleanor, Tahlia Working Title – Don’t Walk Alone Movie Length – 1hr 47 minutes Genre – Horror-thriller Synopsis – A girl goes out to clear her head during the early evening hours and finds herself in an open field, where she hears dramatic screams/cries for help. Intertwined with mystery; entangled with darkness and touched by the emotions of people who have passed away. Potential Tag Lines – “Who will prevail, her or them?”, “Ghosts are just made up stories.”, “and can you see that?” Brief Elucidation – The idea of it is to unpredictably frighten and cause discomfort for the audience by showing that once you have witnessed the supernatural you will never be able to get away or forget what you saw. This is because the supernatural world has forced the voices in her head to make both the audie...